2024 Week 23 Spot the Trends 6


These posts on social trends give a snapshot has happened mainly in the previous week. It is so easy to accept what is happening without being aware of the massive changes happening. The posts inevitably centre on the globaalist psyops and the peoples response to them as they awake to the globalists plan. They are rough and ready, as limited on time, but I think it is a useful exercise to mark events weekly.

Man made climate change scam, various health psyops eg bird flu, political charades, free speech / censorship / Digi ID, AI, Digitial Currrency etc, royal soap opera, wars, zionism, woke / trans agenda, weaponised migration. The subject of child abuse which leads to them all. Health as it is a big category with much happening is being subdivided as are the freedom issues, so it is easier to follow the operations.

There will be a little bit of analysis, it will be broad brush, just lumping together various twitter posts mainly. It will reflect my bias of what subjects are important but many of the screenshots I will not agree with. It is valuable to see what is being talked about at a point in time and how that changes. Things are coming together as I work out the most efficient way of doing this, the categorisation and subcategorisations are getting better each week.

Main events Biden D-Day disgrace, Bird flu death lies and Israel ignoring all calls to stop genocide.

Bird flu

The criminal cult have chosen bird flu for its mobile nature and rather than targeted directly at us at this stage it is being used to target animals to reduce numbers, and increase our restrictions on keeping animals. You now have to register even 1 chicken in Scotland. The cult WHO announced the first (fake) death from birdflu this week, but it will probably feature more in next weeks post, as these I work a couple of days behind on these posts.

Covid – lies from the past

Many lies from the past but German Reiner Fuellmich is still in prison merely for exposing the lies…

Covid “Vaccine”, the Vaccinated and the Effects

People dying from the vaxx, more speaking up, more effects being noticed

WHO and the criminal Tedros

Pandemic Treaty mostly passed, WHO have massive power. Must be stopped.

Health Other


Kate still missing, still no proper explanations. Prince William at British richest man Duke of Westminster wedding at Chester Cathedral.

Woke Agenda to destroy the family including trans

June is Pride month. People now see Pride as part of trans /woke agendas. Gays should decouple from the trans agenda if they don’t want to be associated with the extremist, centrally driven, satanic trans agenda.



The Israeli genocide in Gaza continues, no matter the International Criminal Court calling for ceasefire nor worldwide public opinion. Of course this all happens with the encouragement of the criminal cult.

Middle East

Yemen just retaliates to America.


The West continues to escalate the war in Ukraine. No one going to the peace conference that Zelensky is trying to organise, even though he doesnt want peace.

War – General

Signs that the West are committed to war with Russia. Hungarians protest in numbers. Containers being left in the US, though I must have misfiled that screenshot. Speculation that they contain missiles.

Weaponised Migration

Ireland still at forefront of fightback. Thes fighting age men are being paid and put in hotels and other accomodation.

Child Abuse

At the forefront of the fight. Child abuse is integral to the criminal satanic cabal. It is part of mind control, experimentation and the aim to open the gates to let in demonic hordes. If you do not believe this, then just research. I started off 11 years ago doing Freedom of Information requests to see if organised child abuse was real. It led me to the heart of the beast.

At lower levels this is why there are so many injustices in the courts as they are set up to protect the cult and pedophiles, much via the freemasons. There need to be citizen databases of the all abuse and authorities who enable it.

Climate Change

Direct action in ULEZ Ultra Low Emissions Zones and similar schemes. Direct action spreading across country.

Climate Change

Man made climate change is essential to the cult’s plan, as the carbon allowance will be used not only to tax you more but to imprison you by limited movement, via the carbon allowance and digital ID CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency. Do not comply. It is all a scam as man made climate warming is a scam, as carbon dioxide rise follows temperature rise not causes it. They have several other scams fiddling the figures.

Food and Farming

Climate Scam also being used to attack food chain so that they can get rid of us useless eaters. Fight for your local farmers, food schemes, food coops etc. It is being arranged so that they go out of business by various methods. Bird flu is also an attack on the farming food chain, requiring killing of animals.

Freedom Category

AI is causing problems. Fraudulent science papers just a tiny part.

When CBDC is accepted, the battle is lost. Take action before it is implemented.

Surveillance, cameras, facila recognition for the limited movement control zones and social credit schemes.

Media, Social Media


Why did Ursula release a photo with black bits in her eyes?

Ah there is the misfiled containers that left about the country.




Farage announced he was standing as an MP and becoming leader of Reform Party. Guaranteed to split Conservative vote and allow Labour and leader the globalist Starmer to win. Farage also got a milk shake throw over him. He could maybe win and be PM.


The Krassenteins are tiny, never knew that! Biden disgraces himself at DDay.


Many selection “elections” this year, I am losing count – America, Britain, India, Eire definitely.


Relax, decompress, immerse yourself in nature and de-stress.


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One thought on “2024 Week 23 Spot the Trends 6

    George Carlin have said:
    It a big club and you aren’t in it! You and I didn’t belong to the club.
    It’s called the ‘American Dream’ because you have to be asleep to believe it.

    Hivites uses labor of MK ULTRA slaves for their own farms. I worked this too. It wasn’t bad, nature gave me a relief from the strees and I liked animals more than the masters.

    They want to kill YOUR birds to control you through the hunger. Another cause is to hide:
    -destruction of our and real knowledges real culture, history etc.
    -promote their history with viruses.

    -hide the destructon of nature.

    Free youself from their brainwashing.

    Liked by 2 people

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