2024 Week 17 Spot the Symbolism 17


These Spot the Symbolism posts are brief looks at symbolism noticed during the week. They are not deep dives, as that would take too much time. It’s just a collection of possible symbolism to be able to ascertain patterns over time, float a few thoughts on possible symbolism and patterns as well as point out some symbolism for others to look into. Comments welcomed as to any decodes.

Towards the end are galleries of photos / memes / screenshots that are not symbolism but more social comment, some symbolic but not symbolism. I want to include them as they are relevant to what is happening at this time and it is good to look back at them. Obviously I do not agree with all the things I post.

Due to shortage of time, this post has been rushed this week.

MI5 British Domestic Spy agency

Lottie Moss

Mind control butterfly

TV show

Red /Blue and balloons and confetti /dissociative parts

Climate change

Climate change psyops

Princess Kate

Flashback to Kate Middleton wearing Rosemary’s Baby outfit for birth of child

Barcelona Football Club

Eastern Star Freemasonry


Taylor Swift

Fortnite – mind controlled experiment / clone

77th Brigade

Britains Internet Psyop brigade logo

Jonathan Ross

Leopardskin, checker and black and white


Interesting photon / maltese cross /templar cross /celtic cross / pyramid symbolism


Chaos programming reached community level comms according to Gina Phillips

Nicky Hilton

Leopardskin and pizza

Candace Owens

Freemasonic checker and pillars etc in catholic church


Britney Spears

Leopardskin, chains, and sexual mind control programming imagery


We are now in the immediate lead up to Beltane (Baaltane)1 May and this whole time is a Baal festival

Israelites Timeline


Brave backgrounds /adverts


William and Kate were awarded more honours this week. I cant see if I included them but there are details of MBE’s here.


Probably a red filter to indicate Arsenal won, but the water vapour rising from the stadium reminded me of the energy that the cabal can harvest from these events

Illuminati Families

Loose household cavalry horses

This was seen as symbolic by some of a bloodied pale horse.

Big Ben

Various stories about Big Ben struck 11 at 9 or 10 o’clock

Nancy Pelosi meets London Mayor Khan

“Digital camouflage” Pelosi dress. It could be predictive programming for war but also some say pixels are trigger for dissociation


Very old, but blue / yellow and two 77’s. Anyone know what 77 means esoterically or a good source of info on esoteric numbers?

Opus Dei


Born in Blood

Penny Mordaunt flight around Anglesey

Ley Lines US

Baphomet sign

This is also said to be a Baphomet sign

Ivy League

Ivy League Unviersity symbols / logo

Rihanna and MIA

Rihanna and MIA -are they in camouflage – more predictive programming for war?

Social Comment

Galleries of photos / memes / screenshots that are not symbolism but more social comment, some symbolic but not symbolism. They are relevant to what is happening at this time and it is good to notice trends. Obviously I do not agree with all the things I post. In future, as censorship increases I will divide into the globalist psyops more in future – war, trans, health, general, royals, weaponised immigration etc but this week I was in a rush.


More and more Vinjuries, Heart attacks, excuses etc


Meghan Jam Promo

Meghan chose Chrissy Teigen and Kris Jenner. Kris High Priestess as is Meghan and Chrissy a pedo troll

Trans Psyops

Just look at the damage they do

Gaza and War

General Social Comment

I will try and finish with a lighter image or two in future.


Apologies, very much had to rush this week.

Please repost these posts if you like them. They are provided for free and this new blog needs to grow. Thankyou


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Freemasonic Signs

This blog has replaced my foxblog2 wordpress blog, which has reached its free limit. I will post most of my symbolism posts here on wordpress as there is a better gallery facility, although some like this one don’t need it.

In this post are two valuable posts from Waiting to Rot

  • 2007 Waiting to Rot Blogspot The 12 masonic signs of recognition [1]
  • 2007 Waiting to Rot Blogspot The occult sign language used since ancient times [2]

The 12 masonic signs of recognition

2007 Waiting to Rot Blogspot The 12 masonic signs of recognition [1]

This post is a review of the masonic signs described in the German book: “Freimaurersignale in der Presse” or freemasonic signals in the press. (This book and Richardson’s monitor of freemasonry can be downloaded on peer to peer like emule or you can also buy them online from a number of sources). The names for the signs come from the book “Sign Language Of The Mysteries” which was written decades earlier (see the other post on this blog for a review). Both books describe pretty much the same signs even thought they were written independently of each other.

Proof that many signs used by freemasons consist of simply pointing the index finger. Here are pictures from an old training manual used by freemasons, “Richardson’s monitor of freemasonry”. The bottom right drawing is taken from “Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated Part 2” page 26.

More signs from Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated vol.2

Here are four photos that are obvious intentional poses. Otherwise how could the photographer frame the camera to capture the index finger just at the edge like that? Pointing the finger away from the body is known in occult circles as “the sign of faith”, while pointing upward is the “sign of preservation”.

Obama holding a pose for the camera. Look at the frozen expression on his face and how the words “to lead” are nicely included. Also notice how his pointing finger is perfectly framed. This is again the masonic sign of faith.

Two sub variation of the “pointing the index sign”. Left is singer Barbara Hendricks making the index near the eye sign. This poster was used for a masonic charity in Belgium. Note the masonic square and compass at the top. Right is Rahm Emanuel making the sign of silence

The sign of the pyramid. The triangle being so important a symbol to freemasons, it is perfectly natural that they would make triangles with their hands. Pictured: Stephen Harper, Michelle Obama in an obvious scriped pose with that “halo” around her head, CIA war criminal Hayden and Lybia’s Gaddafi during his dec. 2007 visit to France. Notice the blatant way Gaddafi does the pyramid sign while he is standing and looking directly at the photographers present.

Bush, Ron Paul, Putin and Chavez. This is the occult “Sign of Praise” or sign of admiration (see Richardson’s monitor of freemasonry p.62), one of the most commonly used masonic/occult signal. The gesture looks like someone is holding an invisible ball. An ancient religious sign that is still used today by different religions but it is also used by freemasons as a sign of recognition.

The sign of praise again. Source: http://www.indotalisman.com

France’s Sarkozy doing the ancient vesica pisces sign a.k.a the “ok” sign. Why is this gesture considered so important that it has to be published so often?

The sign of the fist is not just used by communists. Here is Richard Nixon, Michael Hayden, Ted Turner and Pervez Musharraf

The masonic handshake: the thumb has to press the knuckle. Above is the “pope” Ratzinger. It is an open secret that this man is a freemason. Some French freemasons even wrote an open letter exposing him. Below left is the current chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, dubbed by the medias as “the people’s premier”. China and Iran are also run by freemasonry and the current “rift” with the USA is nothing but theater. Bottom right is Chirac with BRD chancellor Merkel. On the basis of this handshake one can recognize, in which freemasonic degrees the interlocutors are.

The heart sign or sign of fidelity. No, this gesture was not made because a national anthem was being played because this man is Quebec’s former separatist leader, AndrΓ© Boisclair, and Quebec has no national antem of any sort. The first picture was made when he was defending a political ally under media pressure and the second was made on election night 2007 when he expressed gratitude toward his supporters after some rather devastating electoral results for his party. The bottom picture is also from election night but taken by a different photographer…

This is the “eyes looking up” masonic code. This is an imitation of Jesus on the cross as he was often portrayed in religious art with his eyes looking up to his Father (see pictures at bottom). First picture: notice how Castro is the only one looking up and also notice that his left hand is pointing downward. Top right: This man is the chairman of the (so called) Bank of Canada, David Dodge. The caption below the photo from nov. 2007 hinted that the Bank of Canada “would probably” lower it’s interest rates in december (and indeed, the rates were later lowered as “predicted”). Notice how he is barely able to keep a straight face while doing his little shifty masonic signal.. The last photo shows former Quebec premier Lucien Bouchard in sept. 2007 while defending his brother who was embroiled in a minor political controversy. It is rare to see the eyes looking up code used alone. Usualy, it is used in combination with one of the other codes discussed here.

China’s Hu Jintao and US ambassador John Bolton doing the masonic eyeglass grasp sign. Why would so many different pro photographers find such a banale gesture so important? Try photographing your relatives doing this. You would have to wait all day for something that last only a fraction of a second, think about it…

The hand on the necktie (sign of distress). Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert made this gesture on 30 january 2007 after a rather devastating report was published about the disastrous 2006 war in Lebanon

Hand on the neck (distress signal) Obama did this gesture after the “Hillary-India memo” controversy. http://asapblogs.typepad.com/news/2007/06/oops_that_was_a.html

We see them everyday in newspapers and magazines: pictures of men and women from
politics, economics and important institutions, which show mostly strange “hand
signals” .But few newspaper readers think about it, because these pictures do not say
anything to them; But they say to freemasons and other insiders very much. Who would let themselves be photographed time and times again in such a way? Already in the earliest youth children will be told, when one makes a photo with them, to take their fingers away from their face and to use no hand gestures. Thus why do politicians, economics and further personalities allow such photos of themselves to be made? Further ,which editor-in chief would picks the worst pictures out from the dozens of photos available, which upon careful observation, always show the same ugly gestures? But it has already its sense, because these hand signals, views and grasps are messages under “insiders”. With these hand signals secret messages and instructions, are passed on mainly by signal photos in the press. In order that this code does not attract the attention of the average reader, the “insiders” use a whole set of harmlessly looking hand signals and gestures. Only those who understand this code, from newspapers and magazines will understand, what is really going on in politics, economics, culture and even in the sport.
Here are the 12 gestures of the freemasons, which are spread over the press:

1 pointing of the index finger in a photograph (the index near the eyes and near the mouth are distinct masonic signs. Pointing the index straight at the camera, is also a sign seen often in newwspapers.
2 the ubiquitous ok sign
3 the fist
4 making a pyramid with the forearms
5 the hand in play (holding an invisible ball with one or both hands) very common
6 the hand on the heart for no explained reason (like oath swearing etc)
7 masonic handshake (the thumb is seen turned downward and pressing the other person’s knuckle)
8 eyes looking up for no explained reason (immitation of pictures of Jesus on the cross)
9 looking above the glasses in a picture
10 touching the glasses in a picture
11 hands on the nectie in a picture (distress signal)
12 hands on the neck (distress signal)

2007 Waiting to Rot Blogspot The 12 masonic signs of recognition [1]

The occult sign language used since ancient times

2007 Waiting to Rot Blogspot The occult sign language used since ancient times [2]


THE SIGN OF DISTRESS. top left: the ukranian president made this gesture after calls for his resignation (27 march 09). Next the president of Libanon during the 2006 war when he was fearing a coup against him (8 dec. 2006).
Middle: the three positions of the masonic sign of distress (Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated vol.2. Bottom left: detail of the Transfiguration by Fran Angelico. Next is Quetzalcoatl and finally the egyptian goddess of the dead, all showing the sign of distress

The sign of “Heaven and Earth” is often associated with the theme of ressurection or with deities sent to earth for a special mission, like Buddah, Christ, Quetzalcoatl etc

The most prominent feature of the art productions of the Initiates of the Mystery Schools were the hand signs and this was known as the Ancient Sign Language which was transmitted from Age to Age, culture to culture. J.S.M. Ward made a thorough study of this secret sign language and in his book, “The Sign Language of the Mysteries,” he identifies several of these hand signs and gestures to be found mostly in Christian art although by no means limited to Christendom. In his book Ward offers many instances of each sign. He explains that these hand poses are to be found all over Europe, Africa, Asia, India, Oceania, the Americas, ancient Crete, Polynesia, Babylonia, etc., in short, all over the world. Among the hand signs that he discusses are:

  • Sign of Preservation
  • Sign of Faith
  • Sign of Distress/Surrender
  • Sign of Death
  • Sign of Praise
  • Sign of the Heart
  • Sign of Prayer
  • Sign of Benediction or Blessing
  • Sign of Secrecy
  • Sign of Destruction
  • Sign of Exultation
  • Sign of Reverence
  • Sign of Horror
  • Sign or Resignation
  • Sign of Sacrifice
  • Sign of Heaven and Earth
  • Sign of Despair/Regret
  • Sign of the horn
  • The vesica pisces sign
  • Sign of completion

Sign of Preservation

There are many variations of this sign. Basically, it is posed by placing one hand over the heart and raising the other at an angle at the elbow with the hand pointing upwards. In some forms, it is the index finger that points skyward. In most depictions of this sign it is the left hand rather than the right that is raised. There are numerous instances of this pose in Egyptian art. The Egyptologist, E.A. Wallis Budge, interprets the hieroglyph with this sign as Hen, or “praise.” The god Anubis is often represented with this hand posture, and murals in the palaces and tombs of the pharaohs often illustrate votaries of Ra with this significant gesture. This sign is also found in the Minoan and Mycenaen civilizations. In Christian art, Jesus is often portrayed assuming many occult hand signs, among these is the Sign of Preservation. The sun god Damuzi of the Babylonians while descending into the underworld likewise bears this sign, as depicted on certain objects. In his book mentioned previously, J.S.M. Ward tells of a Roman sarcophagus in the Bardo Museum, Tunis, showing the emergence of Jonah from the whale that swallowed him for three days, and making the Sign of Preservation–in effect, indicating that his life was saved. Among the mystical Islamic sects, the Whirling Dervishes appropriate the use of this important hand pose in their ceremonial rites and practices. In archaic times, the Sign of Preservation was adopted by those petitioning the deity for the preservation of oneself or someone else, and with the strong conviction that the request was granted. In contradistinction to this, it was also employed by those of high spiritual attainment assuring others of their salvation. In Christianity it is often associated with the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.

Sign of Faith

This sign resembles the Sign of Preservation with the exception that the hand pointing upwards is not squared at an angle and not pointing to the sky. It points outwards away from the body. Like the above sign, many examples of these are to be found distributed all over the world.

Sign of Distress/Surrender

When the two hands are lifted upwards above the head with the elbows bent–this is known as the Sign of Distress. This is one of those universal hand signs, and it seems almost human nature to fling the hands into the air when in despair or when faced with overwhelming pressure as a sign of psychological turmoil and the “giving-in” to a certain situation, or when feeling helpless. Therefore, it is not surprising when we find the use of this sign all around the globe as depicted in artistic works, and experientially in everyday life. This sign is an appeal for aid and is universal like many of the other signs mentioned in this section. Its use can be traced as early as 3,000 B.C. Quetzalcoatl, one of the gods of the Mayans, is sometimes depicted with this hand pose.

Sign of Death

This hand sign is related to the throat chakra, or psychic center. It consists of placing the hand’s edge-whether left or right hand-at the throat. The thumb points directly at the throat itself. It is actually a moving gesture and is effected by moving the hand’s edge across the throat as if to cut it. This sign suggests that something is to be terminated or killed, or that it is already dead. The ancient Romans and Egyptians were well familiar with this sign and in some Christian paintings of the crucifixion, the disciple John the Beloved is portrayed with this sign of cutting the throat while standing before the crucified Jesus. Arabs and Sudanese make use of this sign to swear their innocence uttering that God should cut their throats should they be telling a falsehood. Several American Indian tribes employ this sign as a salutation meaning that they are “faithful or true unto death.”

Sign of Praise

This sign is similar to the Sign of Distress except that the hands are not lifted above the head but extended forward in front of the body, inclining upwards with the hands facing outwards and the elbows bent. This is also a greeting sign and the initial start of the salaam gesture of the Arabs.

Sign of the Heart

This sign is accomplished by placing the hand over the heart. A survival of this gesture in modern times is the bowing of a gentlemen to a lady with his hand to his heart as a salutation of respect, or as it was customary in the 17th and 18th century in Europe, for a man to remove his hat and to place it at the heart region when greeting the opposite sex. This is a hoary sign. It is to be found in ancient Egypt, Rome, and even in Crete in the Minoan period. It is also to be seen in the mosaic art of the many old churches and cathedrals. The meaning of this sign is a little obscure. It has been suggested that it signify faith or fidelity. However, with the placement of the hand at the heart we may make a conjecture and say that it concerns the finer sentiments of a person conveyed to the object of his attention or affection.

Sign of Prayer

This is probably the best known of ecclesiastical signs which is also used by the lay person. It consists of placing the palms of the hands together with the fingertips pointing in an upward direction. Another Sign of Prayer is the folding of the hands together intertwining the fingers.

Sign of Benediction or Blessing

In Christianity, this sign is utilized mainly by the priesthood. It is used by priests to bless people and consecrate objects. To assume this sign, the third and fourth fingers are folded onto the palms with the index and middle fingers held upright. The thumb may also be erect or it may be folded upon the ring finger. The significance of the erect thumb and first two fingers in the act of blessing is that the grace, virtue, and power of the Holy Trinity are being conveyed. Occultly, the subtle energies flowing from the hands are stronger at the terminal points of these digits than they are at the ring and little fingers


Sign of Secrecy

This is a sign that has survived to contemporary times and can continually be seen in everyday life. It probably originated in Egypt during the heydays of the Mystery Schools. This sign was associated with Horus, or Harpocrates–one of the forms of Horus. This sign is executed by putting a finger to the lips as though to seal it. Its significance is that of secrecy and silence. In the Mystery Schools the Initiates were pledged to a vow of secrecy, never revealing the secrets of the Temple unless authorized to do so. Even nowadays, the following injunction may be found in occult schools: “know, dare, do, and be silent.”

Sign of Destruction

When one or both of the hands are seen on the solar plexus in religious art, it signifies destruction. We can understand the significance of this sign when viewed from a metaphysical point of view. The solar plexus chakra is a storehouse of potent energies that may be used for good or ill. When this center is awakened prematurely in a disciple’s life, it may cause problems that the disciple is not equipped as yet to handle. Physical, physiological, and psychological–not to mention karmic difficulties–might arise when a disciple foolishly stimulates this center. The solar plexus chakra is an emotional focus and by being polarized at this level one may have trouble extricating oneself from the lower instinctive and egoistic nature. The disciple may be destroyed by this center and evolutionary progress postponed, thus the hand gesture on the solar plexus came to be associated with destruction. There are numerous examples of the Sign of Destruction in Art. In India, Shiva, the Destroyer is often depicted with this gesture. Many Greek and Christian art-forms also bear personages with this sign.

Sign of Exultation

This hand pose is a sign of joy and satisfaction; it is done by extending the hands above the head with the fingertips of the hands touching. Though not as numerous as some of the other signs, there are several examples of these in Christian art. In China, the Hung Society uses this sign to represent the metal element.

Sign of Reverence

Reverence in the sign language of the Mysteries, is indicated by the shading of one’s eyes with the hand, whether left or right. In some variations of this sign the eyes are fully covered. This sign originated in cultures where it was impolite to look directly at one’s superior; for instance, a soldier would make this sign when saluting a superior officer. Another possible origin of this sign is the experiences had by blessed individuals during angelic visitations. The presence of these spiritual beings compels the beholder to shield their eyes from the angelic radiance. This hand gesture is not unique to any race for it is to be found distributed all over the world–in Ceylon, Australia, Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Sign of Horror

One of the dramatic signs, the gesture of horror is made by extending the right hand, palm outwards, while the head is turned to the right as though refusing to see something objectionable or frightening. The left hand is this gesture point outwards and in a downward direction as if trying to expel something. Examples of this sign in art may be seen in the Vatican and in the British Museum.

Sign or Resignation

This sign consists in crossing the arms upon the chest with the fingertips of the right hand on the left shoulder and the fingertips of the left hand on the right shoulders. This gesture is sometimes portrayed with the right hand over the left, but the reverse is regarded as a more proper representation according to tradition. This is another one of those signs that may have originated in the Mystery Schools of Egypt. The god Osiris and the statues representing Egyptian pharaohs are often depicted in this pose by artisans. For some specific reason the Egyptians also buried their dead in this manner, with the hands of the mummy crossed upon their breast. Even the sarcophagi or mummy cases of the deceased bear a pictorial resemblance of them with the same sign. In the Renaissance, artists often depicted Mother Mary with such a hand pose. Like the many hand gestures described herein, the Sign of Resignation generates a certain occult power of which we shall discuss later in an upcoming article when we apply and incorporate the sign in our mudra practices. The occult function of a sign is just as important as its esoteric meaning, perhaps even more so.

Sign of Heaven and Earth

This sign is executed by extending one hand above the head pointing skywards, and the other extended downwards pointing to the earth. According to Ward, the significance of this sign in Christianity is that someone had descended to Earth and later re-ascended to Heaven. Or alternatively, ascended to Heaven and later descended to Earth. There are numerous examples of this sign in Christian art related to the raising of Lazarus, the descent of Jesus into Hell to save the inhabitants, and Jesus’ resurrection. There are many variations of this sign. Sometimes the hand with its open palm pointing upwards has its fingers together; occasionally we find examples where the index finger points upwards while the rest of the fingers folded onto the palm. The British Museum has a collection of Babylonian objects where the Sign of Heaven and Earth may be seen. In Greece, examples of this sign are associated with the Eleusinan Mysteries.

Sign of Despair/Regret

Regret, despair, and sorrow is indicated by resting the head upon the right hand and the left arm, which is horizontally across the solar plexus, supports the right elbow with its hand. Occasionally, this position is reversed. There does not seem to be any strict rule to this. In paintings with crucifixion themes, the Virgin Mary is often depicted with this hand position. There are examples of this sign of Persian and Greek origins preserved in museums all over the world.

Sign of sacrifice: a group of signs, the first is made by striking the wrist of the right hand with the side of the left hand, as if cutting it off. After making the first movement, the right hand which has symbolically been severed, is lifted by the left and a pretence is made of throwing it over the left shoulder

Sign of the horn: the well known “devil sign”

The vesica pisces sign: The well known “ok” sign

Sign of completion: similar to the sign of praise described above except that the arms are inclined downwards

2007 Waiting to Rot Blogspot The occult sign language used since ancient times [2]


[1] 2007 Waiting to Rot Blogspot The 12 masonic signs of recognition https://waitingtorot.blogspot.com/2007/11/12-masonic-signs-of-recognition_27.html

[2] 2007 Waiting to Rot Blogspot The occult sign language used since ancient times https://waitingtorot.blogspot.com/2007/11/17-occult-hand-signals-used-since.html

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Why I was Banned from Medium


I have probably found out why I was banned from medium. It was slightly different to what I had thought. As this post is relevant to what I had posted on other blogs, it will be posted there in a couple of days. Thanks for being an early subscriber to foxblog4, whch is the blog that is going to have my symbolism posts, you get it first.

I had decided to try the Medium blogging platform as I was suspended as it turned out temporarily from wordpress. I signed up to Medium and was testing their gallery facility. I needed a gallery facility that could take many photos and arrange them well, as I had intended to post about 30 screenshots from a video about symbolism.


This is the message, I received…

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is screenshot-2024-03-29-002320.jpg

I appealed as I thought it was an algorithm error, and I was expecting routine reinstatement of account but I was told the account was in violation of the rules, for hateful content.

This surprised me. I therfore asked for the specific photo that was hateful. I received a reply from someone, ironically, whose name / pseudonym was Liberty from User Services.

Liberty informed me that the account would remain suspended and the decision was final, but he /him did at least give me a link to the image that was deemed hateful.

In my haste of blog testing/ being banned, I had overlooked that I had already posted the first photo in the folder as a test, before moving onto testing a full gallery. In fact the meme was wrongly filed in that folder and should have been in my Spot the Symbolism folder, social comment section.

The first shot in the file was this meme, and I had test posted one photo / screenshot, a title and a line of text.

The Offending Meme

Until I accessed what I had written, I had thought that it must have been something in my post on Walter Veith symbolism that I had been banned for. In the end it looks like it was not, it was for the meme that was wrongly filed in my Walter Veith folder. I have not rewatched the Veith video to check if it is in there, but very much doubt if it was in there, I think it was from twitter, misfiled.

I had not examined the meme, just saved it. I had seen the writing, the freemason logo and a court scene. I had no inkling why it was thought hateful. My first idea was when I did a reverse image search on TinEye to try and find out where the meme was from.

Unfortunately the results given were limited and I did not source the meme from there, but maybe twitter is not covered in the search.

One of the links [2] gave this…

So the name which included the letters zion gave me a clue as to why I may have been banned though it is supposition.

I presume that the meme has been judged as antisemitic. I re-examined the meme and perhaps the freemasons face is thought to look like a stereotype.

I certainly did not realise at the time I posted that the meme was about that, if it is. I thought it was about freemasons and justice.


What I thought was just a freemasonic meme, may have had undertones of a meme also against others.

Even if it did, should that have led to permanent ban, especially with no prior warning? Even if the meme was determined to use a “trope”, that a reason to ban me permanently from medium? Should it not be allowed? Who decides that something is a trope and others should not use it? . Some people like Rachel Riley are allowed to use that trope, yet me not knowing that a trope was even being used, even if it was, am banned from Medium for using it unwittingly. Even the whole idea of these tropes appears designed to prevent justificable criticism of certain sectors. Even now, writing this I am having to tiptoe.

β€˜To Learn Who Rules Over You, Simply Find Out Who You Are Not Allowed To Criticise’

A source states that that quote originated with white nationalist writer Kevin Alfred Strom. What a nightmare it is trying to write a blog these days, wondering who is going to hate on you or try to get you banned.

I think I dodged a bullet with the Medium though, all things considered. Liberty and free speech does not seem to be their priority. Even if I had not been banned on my very first post, it inevitably would have come anyway, after I had put more time and effort into the blog.

Lets be clear these censors do not want us even analysing things, they want certain issues to be off the agenda, outside the Overton window. Guess what. They then take advantage of that. They want to control the media so that they control the narrative and the truth.

WordPress Suspensions

Were my suspensions on 2 different wordpress posts related? One of those blogs did contain the meme as I had loaded it into the Veith post gallery (now it is deleted from there), one of the blogs did not, so perhaps the reason given “automatic anti spam controls” was correct. I am slightly suspicious that the suspensions all came at the time the draconian law on hate speech in Scotland was coming in, and algorithms may have been being tightened.

This is a similar meme on freemasons and justice, safer as a cover pic.

The Walter Veith video is worth a watch though on various symbolism including freemasonic symbolism, even though tangential to my ban. The Secret behind the Secret Societies who Control the World – Walter Veith [3].


[1] Medium Rules https://web.archive.org/web/20240401173349/https://policy.medium.com/medium-rules-30e5502c4eb4

[2] http://www.vigrid.net/bilder/zionsvises/?C=S&O=A

[3] 2024 April 1 foxblog3 The Secret behind the Secret Societies who Control the World – Walter Veith https://foxyfox.substack.com/p/the-secret-behind-the-secret-societies #WalterVeith #SecretSocieties #symbolism #censorship

[4] Bitchute Rachel Riley https://www.bitchute.com/video/CEmtStPtr2Op/

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Medium Rules [1]

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Capitalized terms here have the same meaning as defined in the Medium Terms of Service.

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Hateful content
We do not allow content that constitutes or promotes violence, harassment, or hatred against people based on characteristics like race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, disability, disease, age, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity.

We do not allow posts or accounts that glorify, celebrate, downplay, or trivialize violence, suffering, abuse, or deaths of individuals or groups. This includes the use of scientific or pseudoscientific claims or misleading statistics to pathologize, dehumanize, or disempower others. We do not allow calls for intolerance, exclusion, or segregation based on protected characteristics, nor do we allow the glorification of groups which do any of the above.

We do not allow posts or accounts that target others with slurs, tropes, or other content that intends to dehumanize, degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category. For example, this may include targeted or intentional misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals, or harmfully ableist language.

We do not allow hateful text, images, symbols, or other content, including in your username, profile, or bio.

Medium exists to share and discuss ideas. We don’t tolerate harassment, which includes:

  • Bullying, threatening, mocking, or shaming someone, or posting things likely to encourage others to do so
  • Engaging in a repetitive or targeted campaign of harassment against someone or a group of people
  • Using derogatory language, racial slurs, or obscenities to disparage or attack someone or a group of people
  • Using Medium features like responses, private notes, mentions, follows, lists, highlights, or requests in a way that attempts to or does annoy or harass someone, or to draw inorganic attention to your content on Medium

Privacy and Reputation
We do not allow the following:

  • Posting images of, transcripts of, copies of, or links to private communications between private individuals without the explicit consent of all parties to the communication. Redacting names or other information does not supplant the need to secure permissions
  • Doxing, which includes not only private or obscure personal information but also the aggregation of publicly available information to target, shame, blackmail, harass, intimidate, threaten, or endanger a person or group of people
  • Posting intimate or explicit images taken or posted without the subject’s express consent
  • Content that violates others’ privacy or personal safety, including sensitive or confidential information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, non-public phone numbers, physical addresses, email addresses, non-public data, or other similar information

Restricted categories
We do not allow posts or accounts that engage in the following restricted categories of activity:

  • Promotion of controversial, suspect, or extreme content. You can read more about these policies in our Help Center.
  • Facilitation of gambling or betting
  • Facilitation of buying or selling social media interactions, including off-platform
  • Facilitation of sexual services
  • Facilitation of copyright or other intellectual property violation
  • Facilitation or evidence of violating the terms of service of Medium or third party(s)
  • Providing reviews of businesses or products in a gratuitously harmful or abusive manner
  • Facilitation of illegal hacking (e.g., stealing credentials, compromising personal data)
  • Promotion of pseudoscience, disinformation, or other content that is contrary to public health or safety

Related conduct
We do not allow content or accounts that engage in on-platform, off-platform, or cross-platform campaigns of targeting, harassment, hate speech, violence, or disinformation. We may consider off-platform actions in assessing a Medium account, and restrict access or availability to that account.

Graphic content
We do not allow posting, linking to, or otherwise promoting pornographic images or videos. We do allow erotic writing and non-graphic erotic images.

Medium is a large network, and posts can travel in front of all different types of readers. We ask that you be mindful of unintentional viewers when selecting your images.

We do not allow gratuitously graphic or disturbing media, regardless of subject matter.

Exploitation of minors
We do not allow content promoting the sexual, violent, or other exploitation of minors, including the sexualization of fictional minors.

Promotion and glorification of self-harm
We do not allow content or activities that encourage, promote or glorify acts of self-harm, such as cutting, eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia, and suicide. If you encounter users contemplating or threatening self-harm, please report it.

Duplicate Content
We do not allow posting duplicate copies of the same content to Medium, whether from a single account or across multiple accounts, either publicly or as an unlisted story. (You are allowed to cross-post content from your blog to Medium, provided you own the rights for the content.)

Spam or Site Misuse
We do not allow spam or misuse of Medium. All spam or misuse will be immediately removed from Medium without notification. Examples of spam or misuse include:

  • Posting content primarily to drive traffic to, or increase the search rankings of, an external site, product, or service
  • Scraping and reposting content from other sources for the primary purpose of generating revenue or other personal gains
  • Posting duplicate content, whether from a single account or across multiple accounts
  • Stories where the content is clipped with the purpose of linking to the rest of the article on a different website
  • Performing a disproportionately large number of interactions, particularly by automated means. This includes bulk or indiscriminate interactions, such as following of other accounts (follow spam) clapping, highlighting, leaving notes, or flagging content
  • Repeatedly using responses, mentions, or other interactions as a method of promotion or marketing
  • Participating in bounty campaigns or brigades to artificially inflate rankings for posts, accounts, businesses, or products
  • Use or re-use content templates with slight modifications across multiple posts and accounts

For each of these behaviors, when we talk about β€œcontent,” we mean not only posts but also any other feature that allows you to add your own text or media. When we talk about β€œinteractions,” we mean any feature that allows one user to interact with another person or post.

Copyright and trademark infringement
Respect the copyrights and trademarks of others. Per our Terms of Service, we require users to have permission to post the content they publish on Medium. Additionally, we have specific policies around plagiarism, to which all Medium accounts are held. Users found in violation of our copyright rules are not eligible for warning, appeal, or restoration. Deletion of copyright violations is not grounds for reinstatement.

We respond to notices of alleged infringement as described in our Terms of Service, Copyright and DMCA Policy, and Trademark Policy.

Deceptive conduct
We do not allow deceptive conduct on Medium. This includes:

  • Posting content or impersonating a person or organization in a way likely to deceive people. Parody and satire are fine, but make clear that is what you’re doing. Our Username Policy has specific requirements for parody accounts
  • Using Medium for phishing or fraud. Don’t use tags, links, titles, or other metadata in a misleading way. Don’t link to or embed malicious or harmful code or software in your posts
  • Using deception to generate revenue or traffic
  • If you have received free goods or services, or anything of value in connection with the topic of a post, you must make this clear.

Ads, Promotions, and Marketing

  • First party promotion is allowed, and you may promote and link to your own business , website, mailing list, or fundraiser.
  • Third-party advertising and sponsorships are not allowed. You may not advertise or promote third-party products, services, or brands through Medium posts, publications, or newsletters. This includes images that indicate brand sponsorship in a post or newsletter, or as part of a publication name or logo.
  • Affiliate links, such as links out to Amazon with an affiliate code, or any other link out where you will receive a commission or other value, are allowed in posts. However, per Federal Trade Commission law, you must disclose the inclusion of these links in your post. This can be a simple sentence in the footer. (for further guidance, see FTC Rules and Guides).

Embedded Content and Collection of Personal Information
To ensure the data privacy and security of our users, embedded content must comply with the following requirements. An β€œembed” includes a link, form, or a request for information or other content.

Embeds directly collecting data through Medium form fields, comments or other onsite means are not allowed. This includes embeds that facilitate the submission of email addresses, credit card information or other personal information. If you want to collect information from your readers, you will need to follow these requirements:

  • If you link out from your post on Medium to a form hosted elsewhere, that form must make it clear to a user that they are no longer in the Medium network and the information they disclose is subject to the third-party’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy,
  • If the link directs users to your own platform to subscribe to your newsletter, blog or other content you create, then in your Medium content immediately next to the link you must disclose that the link will take the user offsite outside of Medium
  • If your content includes a form that sends user information to you or a third-party, immediately next to or within the form you must disclose that the form will send the user’s information to an offsite third-party outside of Medium that is subject to that offsite third-party’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, or offsite outside of Medium, to you directly.

Paid, automatic, bulk, or non-genuine interactions
Medium depends on various user behaviors β€” like follows and claps β€” to determine what content to feature and make the site work well for everyone. We don’t allow artificial behaviors that skew this system and as a result degrade or distort other users’ experiences.

This includes:

  • Buying, selling, or trading in accounts or account interactions β€” including views, reads, follows, claps, highlights, responses, or other traffic
  • Using services, apps, or arrangements that offer you more views, reads, follows, claps, or other interactions on your Medium account or content
  • Registering accounts, posting content, or interacting with users or content automatically, systematically, or programmatically

Cryptocurrency Accounts, Posts, and Publications
Posts and accounts that are focused on launching, announcing, or providing information on cryptocurrencies must meet the requirements listed in our Cryptocurrency Policy. Medium does not endorse or verify any coin, token, financial advice, or similar announcement.

Prohibitions on Use of the Services

You agree not to do, try to do, or cause a third party to do any of the following, except without the express written consent of Medium:

(1) access or tamper with non-public areas of the Services, our computer systems, or the systems of our technical providers;

(2) access or search the Services by any means other than the currently available, published interfaces (e.g., APIs) that we provide;

(3) forge any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any email or posting, or in any way use the Services to send altered, deceptive, or false source-identifying information;

(4) use the Services in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the Services, or interfere with any other use of the Services;

(5) use any software, script, robot, spider or other automatic device, process or means (including crawlers, browser plugins and add-ons or any other technology) to access the Services for any purpose, including without limitation to scrape or otherwise copy any of the data or content on the Services;

(6) use any manual process to monitor or copy any of the data or content on the Services, or to engage in any other unauthorized purpose;

(7) otherwise use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Services; or

(8) otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Services.

Use of custom domain features

Medium provides the ability to point a domain name that you control to a publication on Medium. If you use this custom domain feature, you understand that your publication will still be hosted on Medium and will still be subject to Medium’s Terms of Service. If you use this custom domain feature, you may not do, try to do, or cause a third party to do the following:

(1) Alter the look and feel or transform the content of the webpage, including by injecting ads, inserting tracking code, or altering the Medium look or feel;

(2) Use proxy servers or any other means to short-circuit our rules or circumvent user protections; or

(3) Mislead users about what site they are on or what their actions will do.

Your use of the custom domain feature must comply with our Privacy Policy. Please note that our rules around storing, transferring, and using user data are more user-protective than some other sites’. We do not sell user data or allow tracking of our users across the web. We expect you to uphold these same rules and policies in connection with operating your custom domain.

How to report a violation

If you find a post or account on Medium that violates these rules, please report it in product. You can use this form to provide more detail or to report other conduct you believe violates our rules. Additionally, you can send us an email to trust@medium.com.

If you break the rules

We strive to be fair, but we reserve the right to suspend accounts or remove content, without notice, for any reason, particularly to protect our services, infrastructure, users, or community. If you attempt to evade suspension by creating new accounts or posts, we will suspend your new accounts and posts.


Upon investigating or disabling content associated with your account, we will notify you, unless we believe your account is automated or operating in bad faith, or that notifying you is likely to cause, maintain or exacerbate harm to someone.


If you believe your content or account has been restricted or disabled in error, or believe there is relevant context we were not aware of in reaching our determination, you can write to us at trust@medium.com. We will consider all good faith efforts to appeal.

Government Takedown Requests

If Medium receives a request from a government actor to restrict access to content associated with your account, we will notify you unless we are prohibited by law or believe doing so may endanger others. Where applicable, we will work to limit legally-ordered content restrictions to jurisdictions where we have a good faith belief that we are legally required to restrict the content. Medium submits to the Lumen database government requests to restrict access to content (redacted where appropriate to protect privacy or prevent harm to a person).

We may enforce, or not enforce, these policies at our sole discretion. These policies don’t create a duty or contractual obligation for us to act.

We also may change these rules at any time. We track changes to our rules on Github so you can see how they evolve.

Medium is committed to providing a transparent, open platform for expression and therefore supports the goals and spirit of The Santa Clara Principles on Transparency and Accountability in Content Moderation as a starting point for further discussion.

Updated June 2023