2024 Week 24 Spot the Globaalists Trends 7


These posts on trends give a snapshot of what has happened mainly in the previous week. It is so easy to accept what is happening without being aware of the massive changes happening. We are frogs being boiled. The posts inevitably centre on the globaalist psyops and the peoples response to them as they awake to the globalists plan. They are rough and ready, as limited on time, but I think it is a useful exercise to mark events weekly.

Man made climate change scam, various health psyops eg bird flu, political charades, free speech / censorship / Digi ID, AI, CBDC Central Bank Digital Currrency etc, royal soap opera, wars, zionism, woke / trans agenda, weaponised migration. The subject of child abuse which leads to them all, as child abuse is central to the cabals needs for various reasons. Health is a big category with much happening and I am subdividing categories as are the freedom issues, so it is easier to follow the operations.

There will be a little bit of analysis, it will be broad brush, just lumping together various twitter posts mainly. It will reflect my bias of what subjects are important but many of the screenshots I will not agree with. It is valuable to see what is being talked about at a point in time and how that changes. Things are coming together as I work out the most efficient way of doing this, the categorisation and subcategorisations are getting better each week.

This Week

Globaalists trying to ramp up fear of bird flu falsely claiming a mans death in Mexico was the result of bird flu. They had to backtrack but seem to have kept the restrictions introduced. At present an indirect attack on us, via controlling the food supply as they claim animals get bird flu. In Scotland you now have to register if you own just 1 chicken. It is all for control. Similarly supermarkets are still attacking farmers via poor farm prices. Climate scam attacks animal production. About 6 global companies control the food supply via grain and agrochemicals eg Cargills, Bayer etc and that is without talking about who really owns them.

Globalists seem to be arranging many elections for this year eg France, UK, Belgium which did not even need to call them, as well as the planned US one. Biden cannot function that is increasingly obvious. Will they change him with Hillary /Michelle or keep him as he is the ideal puppet? EU political charades move to the right, but just like Meloni they are cabal globalists cf Argentina.

Weaponised migration of fighting aged men still on increase but everything described at “far right” when it is understandable concern about lack of infrastructure; attacks and sudden changes of culture and religion. The blueprint is there now in Ireland of Irish authorities using dodgy English security companies to enforce the policies, as they have no cultural attachment to Ireland. This will happen elsewhere and ultimately be a UN army enforcing UN/ WHO / WEF globaalist policies.

Bread and Circuses with royal family, Euros football, other sport etc.

Food and Farming

We must protect our farmers. Buy direct, and cut out supermarkets. This will thwart globaalist plans to control us via food. Perhaps we need a Spar type infrastructure / blueprint for buying and selling farm produce.

Climate Change

Another laughable globaalist psyop based on nonsense and non science which does not bear close scrutiny. Man is damaging the environment but they are not warming the earth via CO2 emissions. Carbon dioxide rises after temperature rise, and they fiddle all the figures, pay the scientists, control the journals. Its all about control.

ULEZ Ultra Low Emissions Zones – designed to keep you in 15 minute cities. Blade Runners keep chopping those cameras down in London and it’s now spreading across the country, and people refusing to pay even when caught on camera.

Artificial Intelligence AI – being fed with our data by Apple to spy on us and control us. Even Elon says it is not right. They even use the Seal of Babylon symbolism, see yesterdays post.



Censorship in the media, social meda and real life. Twitter changed overt bans of freedom of speech with covert restriction of freedom of reach, with no accountability or transparency. My own “reach” on Twitter is severely restricted, hardly any interaction compared to the months immediately after my ban. We need to fight back on all counts. If we lose what we have now, we will not get it back.

Digi ID being pushed on us by the EU

Media / Social Media

Twitter made “likes” private and likes were said to have gone up. Elon turned to Israel to reduce bots. Israel control many bots. Adobe in contracts trouble.


Globaalists... The public front of the cult. They try to make their unacceptable depopulation and control agenda acceptable to us by lying and deception…

Now in Scotland they even need to register even 1 chicken with the government. It’s absurd but they want to control us and the food supply when they push the birdflu. If I had a chicken it would identify as a wild crow.

Bird flu

Really ramped up this week. A made up pandemic to control us. Mainly used at the minute to control the food supply. Launched the major PR campaign when man died in Mexico, WHO reported on it as a bird flu death, introduced loads of controls, but even they had to admit the man died of other causes. They do not seem to have reversed their controls.

X /Twitter fiddled the bird flu trending figures, I screenshotted them going up, then down then up then down again, then up and then they just stopped Bird flu trending completely, instantly.


It was all a con. Many people posting from back in the day and also new deaths and new research proving it was all nonsense and the jabs killing people.

Exposing some covid liars…

Hannah Fry behaved in a vile manner, the documentary was “Unvaccinated” in 2022. She tried to mock people who would not take the vaccine, “refuseniks” as she termed them. Is that a 666 sign? All her hand signs seems dodgy.


Other Health

How do scientists replicate peanut allergies in rats, for testing? They inject them with aluminium and the protein that they wish the rat to become allergic to.

Why are so many developing allergies in the last couple of decades? What do they inject us with in vaccinations. The admit the aluminium part… and what susbtrates do they use for replication?


Quietish week relatively for the contamination of water system by the UK privatised water companies.


US vaccine schedule and yes they are trying to start up covid fear again…




Macron calls an election as Marine Le Pen beats him in Euroelections, Belgium did as well and Sunak had no need to call an election but he did a couple of weeks ago.


Still the military have locked up rightful Prime Minister on trumped up charges with connivance of the US


Election debates and political charades.


Hunter Biden trial, found guilty. Hardly any publicity. Joe Biden is global embarassment for the US, wandering off all the time and perhaps defecating himself.



Kate suddenly announced she would be attending Trooping the Colour at the end of the week. That will be covered next week.


Rishi went home early, to condemnation. Bizarrely Zelensky attended despite the fact Zelensky is only PM of the Ukraine as he claimed war powers it looks illegally. Ukraine is a Nazi driven country and in WW2 the allies were fighting the Nazis. Makes more sense when you know the world is controlled by the cult of tyrannical totalitarians.


Gaza – the genocide continues. Israel ignore the International Criminal Court.


NATO and the US ramping up tensions by allowing their weapons to be used to attack Russian territory. Russian had opened a new front in the North. It results in Russia sending ships with nuclear weapons to Cuba. Ukraine still putting journalists on a kill list.

US trying to intervene re Taiwan.

Weaponised Migration

Ireland at the forefront and English security being imported into Ireland to build centres for migrants.

Woke / Trans Agenda

So much trans nonsense that gays are getting the backlash in Pride month. Unless they distance themselves soon from the trans extremists they will continue to do so.

Zionist / Israeli Lobby

British MP’s are about a third part funded by Israeli lobby. Why? All sorts of connections to Israel.

Child Abuse

More and more people realising that organised child abuse, child experimentation and mind control are a key to unravelling the crimes of the criminal cult.

Sums up a Taylor Swift Concert…

Finally… Possession of a fireman…

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2024 Week 20 Social Trends 3


These posts on social trends show what is happening mainly in the previous week. The posts inevitably centre on the globalist psyops and the peoples response to them as they awake to the globalists plan. These I imagine will be climate change, health, politics, free speech / censorship, Digital ID, royals, zionism, war, AI etc but we will see.

There will not be much analysis, it will be broad brush, just lumping together various twitter posts mainly. It will reflect my bias of what subjects are important but many of the screenshots I will not agree with. It is valuable to see what is being talked about at a point in time and how that changes. Things are coming together as I work out the most efficient way of doing this, the categorisation and subcategorisations are getting better each week.

Food and Farming

Food and farming getting more attention as people realise that the globalists are deliberately suppressing all farming, targeting supply chains and even smallholdings. They do not want you to have the ability to survive without their intervention. They are inventing all sorts of reasons and diseases that they interfere on. Multinational supermarkets are ripping farmers off and we need farmers. Make direct connections if possible.

Free speech, Censorship, Digi ID etc

Free speech issues and censorship trending up this week. Digi ID been passed in Australia I think, and UK Police using facial recognition. Digi ID is the means of control, it must be stopped.

Climate Change

Climate change as ever had a big week as climate change is the excuse for bringing about the carbon targets used to limit you to 15 minute cities. Haarp was tested same time as Northern Lights were seen further South than ever before. The globalist policy appears to be “if it moves blame it on climate change”. Tony Heller in particular does a great job of correcting their climate lies.

Health Covid etc.

By next week I should have sorted health out into smaller categories. The huge number of relevant heath tweets is getting unmanageable. It has been another huge week for transparency on health re “covid” and the jabs effects with masses of old data being posted which was suppressed by the mainstream media and social media including twitter 1.0. I was banned for posting about Ivermectin – we should never forget what they did so that it does not happen again.

Abotion until day before birth is proposed in England…

Health – Ozempic

Health – Vaccine

Health – water

Water was privatised in England and Wales maybe 20 years ago and the chickens are coming home to roost. The companies made huge profits, do not invest them but siphon them off to shareholders and dump sewage in rivers and lakes.

Weaponised Migration, Kalergi Plan etc


Politicomedy as ever…





War Gaza

War Ukraine


Climate – Ulez

Take time to appreciate the beauty of nature amidst the evils of globalism…


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2024Week18 Social Trends 1


These posts on social trends should show what is happening mainly among the globalist psyops. These I imagine will be climate change, health, politics, free speech / censorship, royals, zionism, war etc but we will see.

There will not be much analysis, it will be broad brush, just lumping together various twitter posts mainly. Of course it will reflect my bias, but many of the screenshots I will not agree with. It is valuable to see what is being talked about at a point in time and how that changes.

Some of these may be wrongly filed, short on time this week and much to cover and I will file more efficiently into appropriate categories as time goes on. It should run smoothly in about a month.

Globalist Man Made Climate Change Psyop / Scam

This is a psyop being used to control people by carbon usage. Carbon dioxide does not heat the planet, it rises following a rise in temperature. Many taken in and suffering from climate anxiety and fear.

Free Speech / Censorship / Narrative Control

Globalists are trying to censor free speech all over the world, but especially in Australia at the moment. They want to control the narrative as they succesfully did for a long time in the Covid scam.

Twitter is a target for globalists as they are allowing a measure of free speech and Elon appears to be high enough in the hierarchy to make this an interesting interglobalist infight.


Free Speech / Censorship from 2024 week 17. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and eSafety Commissioner banned memes of himself online as “disinformation” to predictable backlash… #Albomemes #AuthoritarianAlbanese

Health Psyops

Many consequences of the covid injections are coming to light. For some reason there appear more than ever at the moment. It could be a reaction to various negative official disclosures or the numbers of vinjured reaching critical mass and mainstream media, which unfortunately is not yet irrelevant.

Weaponised Migration

Weaponised migration of fighting aged men in America and Europe especially a hot topic in Ireland…

Politics Psyop

Much of politics is controlled by blackmail and bribery. It’s largely a sham to fool people into thinking that voting makes a difference, but most angles are controlled.

  • First Minister Scotland resignation, a major dividing line was trans issues, largely seen as racist and anti white due to his “rivers of white” speech when Scotland is 95% white. He brought in unpopular hate crime bill recently for which he was the most complained about person. But not retroactive it was decided.
  • Local and mayoral elections in England. Major Conservative losses as long time in government and widely seen as sleazy and corrupt due to them being sleazy and corrupt.
  • Independent gains which is a good sign
  • Labour gains but of course Labour controlled by globalist Starmer who has broken all pledges, expelled many left wing, and others left. Starmer expelled many Jews under guise of antisemitism, it is now a racist party but racism that is acceptable to the globalists.
  • Sunak nickname Pint Sized Loser seems to have stuck
  • Mayoral elections globalist Khan got in in London

Trans Psyop / Baphomet Worship / Break the Family

Trans still reeling under Cass Review who said transing happens without much evidence…

Globalist Wars


Zionism supported by globalists, genocide virtually ignored, but globalists also funding pro Palestian protests. Hegelian dialectic, causing division and fear. Zionism largely promoted by non Abrahamic Khazarian Jews I am told.

General Globalist Category

Other globalist issues



Again I will try and end in future on a beautiful or funny image. It’s a heavy subject, remember to take time off and appreciate beauty and laughter…


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